Monday, April 28, 2008

My Household Manual

I took a whole Saturday , found sheets I love and re created a very very useful manual. You see above the outside of my manual. Below week at a view, I found at awesome and cute.

I do use Flylady zones for daily cleaning. so on my daily schedule page (it's write on /wipe off) I just list 1 zone a day laundry for each person is in the zone, so 1 person's laundry a day. I use those 4 spots at the bottom for each kids stuff, lessons etc. the top is for me and Ben.

I plan my menus every 2 weeks , I liked this one because it has my shopping list below. I just slip these in and out every 2 weeks, no one asks "what's for dinner?" These are here

I had to share because I really love this thing, there's a babysitter info page, all medical info page, we have a school section with all the school numbers schedules etc. there's a family section with everyone's addresses and phone and emails.. you name it it's here..they almost don't need me...hmmm

Air Show 2008!!!

Ben and I love airshows!! Someday we will go without the sleepy kids.

We took the light rail there.

Gabe says he will be a pilot, so I can go to lots of airshows and watch F-18's

Ana was sleeping, Nolan and Gabe too...

Hoe Down!!!
Fun day for Gabe as his class performed for everyone. Leah couldn't wait to dance with him.

Fridays is Library day, that means train days for those of you in the know....

Got our tickets

Ready to Ride!!!!!!!!!!!

Leah liked the Caboose, Bye!!

Blogging catch up...

Out of order and some are older but here's some stuff. THis was Fairytale Town I think in February? We should go there again, it was fun. We went with Mel and Chel and cousins..

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

I have been " Tagged" apparently.

1. Habit: I chew my cheeks, I have done it since I was 14 ish and would love to stop. but can't

2. Goal: To be patient, I will just keep praying for that one...or get medicated.

3. Random Fact: I once dropped a pumpkin in a store to see if it would bounce.. it did not.

4. Another Habit: I can't get in the car without the pavlovian urge to buy Starbuck's ( hot chocolate..) I must be like Britney Spears.

5. Another goal: See aforementioned habit.maybe if I move far enought away from things that will become impossible.

6. Another habit: I like to pick at kids scalps, noses, ears..I'm part monkey.

7. Another fact: I have been homeless. not just for a day either.

8. Another random fact: I was raised by bikers.. not the cute folsom type neither. Leather, long hair, tatoos, etc..

9. Another Goal: I want to use my control journal effectively all year. I spent all last saturday making it beautiful and filled with awesome stuff (see

1o. One last random fact: I'm really obsessive. I obsess about things in streams, like Lost, or Heroes, or mortgage rates, or history ..(not negative things thank goodness) etc and I can research stuff extensively and not get bored, I will look up every detail about all aspects of that thing, person, etc.
Same thing with foods..same drink or food many times a day (or once a day) for months at a time, until I decide not to like it.

well way TMI yes? and I don't know who to tag if you read this YOU are tagged.

Saturday, April 05, 2008

This is our third rocket. The past few weeks Ben has been doing model rockets with the kids. They are so exciting...and them they are gone. For some reason our rockets are never seen again after launch. Even when they have parachutes. A couple weekends ago, they flew into some yards near the park . They were either irretrievable or damaged. Tonight, it flew really high...and was gone. Oh well, fluorescent parachute next time.

It was so great to run again. Between all the sicknesses we haven't been running. We ran 8 miles. In all fairness some of that was walked. 8 miles. Very exciting..I hope to do at least that every Saturday. Ananda and I ran with our friend Amie.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Christy sent us this from Addison. He is Amazing!! We love him!!

"Congratulations! On behalf of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, The State Botanical Garden of Georgia and the Environmental Resources Network, Inc. (T.E.R.N.) we are proud to announce that Addison Fisher, 5th grade art student, has placed 2nd in the state for the 18th Annual Poster Contest. According to Ms. Spivey, Senior Public Relations & Information Specialist of the Ga. Dept. of Natural Resources, "Addison's wonderful drawing of The Sights and Sounds of Wild Georgia, was chosen as one of the four statewide winners and will be published in the 2008-2009 school-year calendar!" "All of the state level entries will be on display in the State Botanical Garden Conservatory in Athens, Georgia during March 22-April 5. Way to go Addison!!!" "

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Why won't it allow comments!!!!!!!!arrgh!