I took a whole Saturday , found sheets I love and re created a very very useful manual. You see above the outside of my manual. Below week at a view, I found at momadgenda.com awesome and cute.
I do use Flylady zones for daily cleaning. so on my daily schedule page (it's write on /wipe off) I just list 1 zone a day laundry for each person is in the zone, so 1 person's laundry a day. I use those 4 spots at the bottom for each kids stuff, lessons etc. the top is for me and Ben.
I plan my menus every 2 weeks , I liked this one because it has my shopping list below. I just slip these in and out every 2 weeks, no one asks "what's for dinner?" These are here
I had to share because I really love this thing, there's a babysitter info page, all medical info page, we have a school section with all the school numbers schedules etc. there's a family section with everyone's addresses and phone and emails.. you name it it's here..they almost don't need me...hmmm