Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Story of Stuff

I read others blogs. Duh. I really like this clip. Story of Stuff

I buy most things used, My kids don't have crazy presents parties, we cut waaaay back for Christmas. only 1 gift a small one from mom n dad, but a huge feast and lots of family. Clothes are hard I love them ..but they come from Ebay , or GULP goodwill. I for some reason CAN NOT pay store prices for things , unless it's under 10$. I still feel guilty and want to try harder. I want to try the 100 things challenge with my family. Each of us can own 100 things each. thats just 700 things including clothes in our house. hmm

100 Things

Ben Fisher says:
then we wouldnt have tons of stuff not being used.. get tired of one of your things replace it
L.Fisher says:
we need savings and trips
L.Fisher says:
not stuff
Ben Fisher says:
excess of clothes
Ben Fisher says:
L.Fisher says:
then things can be "precious" too
Ben Fisher says:
lets make some lists.. then talk about it more.

Ben has agreed! Yeah!!!