Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Funny Pictures of Me

Funny pics of me in 7th or 8th grade. My booke report was on Duran Duran, I am john Taylor in the pic. The second pic I am in a striped sweater and some super hip dangly gold earrings. Excellent.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Truly amazing

This is a link to an amazing blog. there are so many people in need in the world. This blog offers a glimpse. I found this link through a friend's blog. What a beautiful thing to do all you can to love and nuture others. The Journey . I hope they don't mind my link, but their story is so inspiring.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Great Kids..

Great article by Orson Scott Card. It's actually kinda funny, you have to read all the way to the end.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Charlotte Mason

Charlotte Mason has a manner of teaching children so that all ages can learn at the same time. It's a gentle pleasant and intelligent way. I won't be following her method completely but some things I like. The kids and I are doing nature walks , we go out with our notebooks and collect leaves , flowers, note birds or animals sketch them, tape them in. Them we go home and look them all up and label them in common name, scientific name and anything we like about it. Today was our first go at it..It was super fun. We live near fields full of wildflowers , and vernal pools so they are fun to explore.

We have been entranced with the story of Pecos Bill every night this week, Gabe read the whole thing to us every night. I thought he would tire of it but he really wanted to keep going and loved showing off his many different character voices. We are listening to Paul Bunyan meets Pecos Bill next week.

Monday, March 09, 2009


After carefully considering everything and looking into stuff. We are going to try CAVA it is California Virtual Academy. I know many people who do home school and I think it would be beneficial to the kids and I would enjoy teaching and learning with the kids. I realize not always but most of the time. Exciting huh. We will start over the summer or fall.

Update..I found some other even more awesome programs. Sutter south is a Charter public homeschool lots of freedom for curriculum. They give you a certain amout for each student to use for their curriculum and classes like violin , sewing, karate etc. There's another called Visions in Education, same idea, a little more supervision, a little less money, a lot more "classes" available. They both sound really fun. I try to keep all informed of what we do and how it's going. I really lie some of the Charlotte Mason style of teaching combined with some Unit study. Pretty exciting.