Monday, March 09, 2009


After carefully considering everything and looking into stuff. We are going to try CAVA it is California Virtual Academy. I know many people who do home school and I think it would be beneficial to the kids and I would enjoy teaching and learning with the kids. I realize not always but most of the time. Exciting huh. We will start over the summer or fall.

Update..I found some other even more awesome programs. Sutter south is a Charter public homeschool lots of freedom for curriculum. They give you a certain amout for each student to use for their curriculum and classes like violin , sewing, karate etc. There's another called Visions in Education, same idea, a little more supervision, a little less money, a lot more "classes" available. They both sound really fun. I try to keep all informed of what we do and how it's going. I really lie some of the Charlotte Mason style of teaching combined with some Unit study. Pretty exciting.


raegan said...

I go backand forth myself, I know if I moved to Cali, I would homeschool. I have thought I might start this summer as well. we shall see. Love ya!

Robyn said...

Hi Laurie!
I am so glad you left a comment because I had lost the link to your blog. I would be happy to answer any homeschool questions you have. We have only "officially" been homeschooling for two years now but I believe that every mother "homeschools" from the day their child is born. I can offer you what information I know and the best thing I can tell you is to find a homeschool group to be a part of! Ours has been wonderful. Each state is so different in regulations and requirements and California has a lot of them so I am sure you've already done a lot of research on it! But if your state has a homeschool association I would begin there! Feel free to ask me anything - Email me at

Hyrum & Cheleyne said...

Going to school is not just about academics. There are so many invaluable social lessons that are learned there! Kids need to learn to deal with all kinds of people and learning environments. This is the best preparation for the workplace.

Kendal said...

Why? What are you trying to accomplish? I agree with Cheleyne. The benefits a child recieves from daily interaction with a vast multitude of personalities is so much more important than any benefit that could come with being homeschooled. What a wonderful opportunity school is for children! Parents can volunteer, become art docents, yard/lunch monitors, teachers aids, etc. If the purpose is to have your student learn at an accelerated rate, work with them after school.

Melanie said...
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Melanie said...

Homeschooling takes A LOT of sacrafice, a lot of work, and truck LOADS or self dicipline. Plus, I personally would Od if I was with my kids 24-7. Laurie, my friend "Jane Doe" did this and it was fun at first, she had a new circle of friends and was pretty hyped about it all. Then her stress levels got so bad that she bearly got out of bed every morning. Her kids wern't dressed everyday, they wore jammies most the time, they didn't get the regular meals. Her daughter is now back in regular school and is WAAAAY behind. She's a very smart girl too. Another girl I taught in Sunriver ward was homeschooled, she was 12 and was reading like a first grader! I know there are lots of new approach methods and programs out there for homeschooling. Tina told me her program was different, it top of the line cutting edge learning. But you have to think about your own tolerance levels of doing this every day. I can't see you being happy doing this. I can't see the kids being happy doing this. Maybe at first becase it's new and exciting but NOT for long. Laurie, pretty please don't do it.

Benjamin said...

Thanks for all your input I have considered all sides and Ben and I , with the children feel pretty confident in our choice. As a note they will still be in a Public charter school at home. So , we can move with ease in which ever direction necessary.

Benjamin said...

Hey Ben here:

Just wanted to express my support in this decision - To sum up the reasons why I think we should do it is simple:

Having the freedom of choice in what they are learning and for how long ensures that each child has a complete understanding of what they are learning and how to apply it in real life.

Homeschooling also offers us the opportunity to focus on each of our kids interests and talents so we can focus that energy - capitalize on what and how they learn so we can enhancing their individual potential.

It's be true that kids learn a lot from their social interactions at school but the exposure to the negative attitudes and slanted ethics of children can more likely negatively effect how well they work with others.

Poor work ethic, laziness, disrespect for adults and teachers is all too common.

I think it would be more beneficial to have them learn and interact with other children in clubs, groups, sports, church who are like minded.

Success in life and work is a result of having passion, and respect for others and hard work.

I don't think public school is the optimal environment for our kids to become more passionate about what they love or have more respect for others, or learn to work hard.