Friday, December 05, 2008

8 Things

I love tags, so thanks Amber!!!

8 Favorite Books:
Twilight Series
The Host
Harry Potter Series
El milagro mas grande del mundo
Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Orson Scott Card stuff
Your Forces and How to Use Them
Crime & Punishment
Cien Anos de Soledad

8 Things that Happened Yesterday:
Cried a lot.. no I mean really a lot, and I have no idea why really
Faxed a letter
Wished it wasn't foggy for days on end (sun came out today!)
Got a call to go to a tutoring interview..pretty exciting
Drove in the car a lot
watched the Office
Tried to find something Abu wanted me to find
Slept with Nolan

8 Things I'm looking Forward to:
Me finishing up school
Getting more muscles
Summer, or Spring at least
Hot Chocolate (always)
Getting a pair of UGGS , I'm not sure why.
planting grass
somehow buying a pool
Ben's business being successful (after I finish school)

8 Things on my wish list:
Uggs with the pocket on the side in dark brown.
Happy Kids
Doing awesome shoots
the impossible to find sweater dress - I'll borrow this answer ..I've looked for over a year.
an awesome Twilight movie..made by the Harry Potter folks or something
a trip anywhere with Ben , for a week without children , though they are cute
to magically have my degree finished up?

8 Things I love about Winter:
that it's ALWAYS cloudy or foggy NOT!!!!!!
Hot chocolate
boots and sweaters and tights and jackets and scarves and gloves..and curly hair ( can't do that in summer it's too hot)
hot tubbing
trips to Miami
lighting the fireplace
homemade soup
food tastes better
having an excuse to stay in PJs all day and watch movies...borrowing again...though that actually makes me depressed when I do it.

people I tag:
Karen good luck there, she'll never do it. or read this