It came a little late this year but yet again it has. Out of my self pity and sadness comes this quiet song that reminds me of the meaning and beauty of it all. Just when I'm ready to give in something, someone seems to say the right thing or there's a picture or a song. In that moment I realize the mastery behind the chaos and confusion. It came in the form of a home teacher this time. I admit sadly I have missed a couple weeks of church, Leah threw up, I had to pick Ana up from the airport.... so the spirit does drift away a bit. I have slowly unwound down to threads of tolerance and hope. He reminded us , not intentionally I don't think of things both financially and spiritually that really made a tremendous difference right at this time. His message was simple..straight from the paper handed out. We chatted about our pasts, he is new to the ward after all. Nothing new but as usual with the spirit it was heard in a new way..with better ears perhaps.
After he left I remembered reading about the massacres in the Congo, or the cholera outbreak. There was a woman who lost all she had in a mobile home fire in Southern Cali. There are people who fear for their lives, fear the loss of loved ones, who will not have a roof over their heads and have no family left. I have a home, I have food, our home is warm, I have beautiful intelligent healthy children who can go to a government provided school for free. I have some much..and complain so much. I am glad Christmas comes every year. Every year I am hit with this feeling of joy. The lights and music and maybe the combined spirit of everyone near, it is often at this time of year preciously overwhelming.
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