Thursday, December 04, 2008

Unemployment news for the Nation

Updated...12/5 make that 544,000. That's more like what I thought .. and counting everyone out of work ...all said it's closer to 14% I'll cite my sources if asked to.

More News..

Not to beleager the point, Business Week Story

I have been told this is still just the beginning. On a side note I called Countrywide ..just to see if maybe we can jump on the loan alteration bandwagon..the funny thing is when I called the loan lady said "trust me if you don't make any payments we are NOT coming to take that house.. we don't want any houses and it's better someone is in there than to have more empty homes. She also said your credit could take a hit but that will get better..everyone else is just walking away. "

I was amazed. I laughed . We want to keep our house though and right now that's not a problem.


bechtold clan said...

wow they said that? crazy!!! I guess that means good things for you tho...hope all goes well.