Saturday, July 19, 2008

Home Sweet Home

This is where we live. We have been here since July 8th . We do not have that chair in the corner. We do have that snazzy coffee maker. Oh wait , I don't drink coffee. There is no toaster.
That TV looks slightly larger than the one here too. Though from the minute we wake up at 8 it's a rush out the door because we get bored in a room with that stuff. That little white block under the coffee pot, that's the fridge. the freezer is like a loaf of bread. I am ready to stat sitting in the Elk Grove Countrywide office with my children ALL DAY. I think they might rush things a bit more.

Friday, July 18, 2008

One of the top 10 Best nights of my Life!!!

Backstory I have LOVED obsessively Sting and The police since I was about 8 years old. I saw them last night. Full moon , Soft breeze.. Sting's glorious voice and amazing music that did not quit!! I was in heaven!!!

There were about 12,000 people at this venue. It felt so intimate.
Everyone had their kids with them.. young folks "old" folks like me.. It rocked.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Two reason why the 80's were not so great.. These are for Lisa, I said most people looked better with's proof. Certain key inventions helped me out too, like flat irons. I'm glad i quit wearing my mom's clothes.

Monday, July 14, 2008

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Big kids
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Sunday, July 06, 2008

4th of July 2008 from hysum on Vimeo.

Our 4th was great!! We missed Addi n Ana!! I am using Hyrum's video of our day... Great job Hyrum!!!

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

In Case you are Wondering

We have been with G ma n G pa since June 23rd ish. The kids are enjoying it. We are all in 1 room for now. I mention these details so in 5 years when we lok back I will have it here. On July 8th we are moving to an extended stay place. It will be a studio untill our loan is done. Our activities consist of swimming at Cheleyne's, swimming at Mel's , swimming at the gym...and going to various parks for hours. We just really finished cleaning and storing. We are living out of our suitcases. Did I mention this was all scheduled perfectly..down to the day.... on my big white board. Cancellations, starts, stops..trucks. I had it all timed awesomely. Is that a word?

The best laid schemes o' mice an' men
gang aft a-gley.--Robert Burns ("To a Mouse")

I think that means something about plans..and their sometimes uselessness. Anyone with a large family can attest to that. Well my fortune cookie said something about grand adventures. Let's see where all this goes!

Oh and my cell phone is in North Carolina. Call us on Ben's cell please.