Saturday, September 20, 2008

Busy busy bee

I went crazy this week on the house. Owning does NOT save you money. There are so many more things you want to do. I want a mission style wood door with glass in it, a pool, the floors done, New handles on the doors, re do the bathrooms ie: new vanities mirrors..tiled walk in showers huge ones the size of a small closet., a new sectional, the rest of pottery barn barbara eigen dishes. (ask me that story , I'll happily tell) Enough stuff for a few years eh. That said I did collect a bunch of frames for the kids wall of fame...I am taking 5 pictures to blow up of the kids. I pianted my shutters and the door is next, I planted a TON of ground cover and ripped out some dumb flower thingys. I never realized how hard it is to know a ton about plants and where they should go to look good. We had a pool guy give us an estimate too. We will see if it can happen. Keep your fingers crossed, hey if we get it I do love to entertain with the right space. ;')